The present moment
is filled with joy and happiness.
If you are attentive,
you will see it.
_ Thich Nhat Hanh

Timmelsjoch 2022
Thanks for browsing my website.
That always is a construction site.
Photographs: 2016-2023,
©Lene Harbo, all rights reserved
To use my materials of this site for your own uncommercial sake and interrest is o.k., but please keep me informed and ask about using images or texts etc for any external or commercial purposes...
To contact Lene Harbo write an email to
or call/text her on
+45 40638161
I do not hang out much but have an
instagram account and facebook
address for snails and other creations
Nørre Allé 19s, 1.
2200 Copenhagen
Many projects are close cooperations with Jörg Koopmann to whom gratitude is an endless ocean
I am part of and get invaluable support from
KKart - Kunstnernes Kooperativ
Kongensgade 60, 2. sal
5100 Odense C
CVR nr : DK13278989